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The following websites and email addresses belong to teachers

and practitioners whom I particularly like and recommend:  The teachings of the American Buddhist teacher Reggie Ray are as potent and progressive a presentation of body oriented dharma as exists anywhere.  The teachings present the most traditional Vajrayana teaching filtered through our contemporary understanding of bodily experience.  The vipassana teachings of U Ba Khin, as expressed through his primary student S. N. Goenka, represent one of the most extraordinary somatic techniques ever conceived and developed.  Deceptively simple, extremely powerful.  Wonderwell Mountain Refuge is a dharma center in a beautiful old mansion in Springfield, New Hampshire.  The main teacher is Lama Willa Miller who teaches a deeply body-oriented approach to dharma practice that she calls Embodied Buddhism. Daniel Odier is a French teacher of Zen and Kashmiri Shaivism who encourages dance like movements in his sitting and standing meditations.  He is also the author of Diva which was turned into my all time favorite movie.  The Kum Nye practices of Tarthang Tulku Rimpoche are powerful aids to the practice of sitting meditation. I have experienced a great many psychics and readers in my life.  Courtenay is the most gifted intuitive I have ever known (she also happens to be my wife!).  A reading with Courtenay is more like a counseling session than a fortune telling session.  As she often says, “Come with your honesty; leave with your truth.” Rachel Guthrie is a wonderfully gifted artist and web designer who teaches computer science at a college in Maine.  Many people have commented on the beauty of my website and have asked who designed it.  It’s Rachel.  

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